Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Operation: Snowflake Tantrum

They just will not go away! The democrats lost the election yet cling on and on and on. Similarly, in 1944, although doing well in the polls things just were not looking well for Adolf; he feared his legacy was going to be dismantled.

Adolfie’s pal of 20 plus years was Heinrich Himmler. Himmler became an activists in the National Socialist German Workers' Party shortly after he lost his job as an agronomist and had to move in with his parents.

In an effort to obstruct the Allies transition of power, Himmler masterminded Operation: Werwolf. Werwolf was a plan to create a resistance force which would prolong the war and perhaps sustain remnants of the legacy. Werwolf drew recruits from the Hitler Youth, and its propaganda machine controlled the media.
History repeats: as the radical socialist puppet is about to lose his “phone and pen” conceived legacy, Barry’s old pal and puppet master George Soros dropped $110M to launch Operation: #disruptJ20. However, the Canada Free Press cites that funding is sourced from radical homosexual groups and Michael Moore. Either way the subversion is underway.

(Project Veritas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMpFK9DGpRA)The diabolical plot is to disrupt the inauguration ceremonies by blocking traffic, attacking spectators, activating fire sprinklers, etc.
These individuals were not persons of conscience; they are not fellow Americans with a different perspective. They are not lawful protesters. They are rioters. They are violent, sophomoric, mercenary archaists prodded on by their hippie, draft-dodger professors and earning between $15 per hour and up to $1400 per diem!  (Nice work, if you can get it comrade.) These rent-A-mobsters are the same malcontents that traveled the nation disrupting Trump rallies. TV interviews following the mayhem in Seattle revealed that many did not even bother to vote (such dedication to the struggle!). Likewise a Chicago rioter was tongue tied when asked what the issues were.  

Regardless of the situation there is always common ground. On one issue I find agreement with the thugs who chant, “Not my president.” Of course Donald Trump is not your president; Enrique Peña Nieto is.  

The true (violent) colors of the un-American, liberal democrat are showing. So, “All we saying, is give Trump a chance.”

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