Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas, Deplorables

      Following the election of Donald Trump I have not seen so much optimism in America since the rally about the flag in October of 2001.  On my run today everyone I saw was cheerfully greeting me with a "Merry Christmas". It was like being in Bedford Falls. Merry Christmas Savings & Loan! 

    Thank God we prevailed,  but the battle for freedom is not over  as Comrade Sheik Obama is establishing a Shadow Caliphate in the District of Columbia with the intent of  derailing the Trump Train.  

   I wish all Americans who voted for President Trump a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

   Share your campaign war stories with family and friends.  I have enclosed an editorial that was censored by the sleazy media following the HillDAbeast's comments of deplorable. 

Dear Editor:  

As I look out at this once great country of ours, I am perplexed at the number Hillary supporters. Most are irredeemable and the others can be categorized into an assortment of baskets.    

The Pathological Altruists: While well intended this basket of folks seeks to do good but actually does harm to the do gooder and even the do goodee. Examples are the promotion of multi-generational welfare payments, open borders and the welcoming of the alleged refugees that the Saudis will not even touch with a 10 foot kebob. The result is an ever shrinking domestic workforce and an ever expanding tax and national debt burden to support an idle, (Democratic Party) dependent and privileged underclass. Americans in STEM fields are not immune to replacement by foreigners wielding H1B1 visas and it is not a phobia when they really do want to kill you.  

The 1963ers: I have tragic news for the dwellers of this basket; our beloved president, John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Before his brother reached room temperature, Senator Teddy Kennedy co-conspired with President Lyndon Johnson and unleashed two of the most destructive self- inflicted actions of the 20th century, the expansion of welfare and chain migration. The party, formerly of the working man was transformed into a European style of socialism. JFK promoted low taxes and a strong national defense. This is not your father’s Democratic Party.  

The CINOs, JINOs and RINOs. (Catholic, Jew and Republican in Name Only): These basket cases have similarities to the Pathological Altruists, yet with exception to the latter can be contrarian in nature. CINOs will vote for pro-abortion candidates and the JINOs joyfully participated in “The Great Schlep,” while Obama (PBUH) threw Bibi under the bus, the liberal ruling class elites conjured up BDS and deemed Anti-Semitism and as hip and cool whilst the Tel Aviv cousins were dodging knife welding moslems while taking breakfast at Bagels are Us. On the other hand the RINOs are in the tank with the HillDAbeast because their heir apparent, the JEB!ster did not win. These valiant protectors (establishment GOP) of the status quo love having a majority in Congress because when you are in charge, well you do not have to do anything, just ask Obama (PBUH).  

Clintocaust deniers: This is a partial list of the more than 70 people associated with the Clintons since the 1990s that have died in unusual circumstances. Terrance Yeakey, Richard Winters, Barbra Wise, Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Conway LeBleu, Todd McKeehan, Theodore Williams, Jr., Jim Wilhite, John Augustus, Wilson Gareth Williams, Ed Willey, Alan G. Whicher, Maynard Webb, Gary Webb, Calvin Walraven, Jon Parnell, Bill Shelton Arkansas state trooper and fiancĂ©e of Kathy Ferguson, Col. James Sabow, Charles Ruff, Dr. Ronald Rogers, Barry Seal, Tom Schweich, Walter Scheib, Maj. Gen. William Robertson. The connecting threads are: all were about to testify against the Clintons, or had knowledge of criminal activity and or corruption that would be harmful to the Clintons. The victims had comparable situations of death; murder/robbery where money and valuables were not taken, single vehicle/aircraft mishaps, “suicides” with more than one gunshot wound, slip and falls 

The LBGTQI, PB&J, BLT Community, aka The Gaystapo: This colorful bin demands tolerance yet practices none. “Ve have vays of makings vou BAKE!”  

The re-educratic academia, state sponsored media/entertainment sleaze complex: These folks march to the Double Standard. For they are on the most just mission. The tireless efforts of the good self-loathing liberal is to rewrite history and promote the false narrative that America is an evil nation. Utilizing the airwaves they pollute the ear and soul with rap and reggeatone. On film and through television they seek to destabilize and mock traditions of moral values, thrift, industry, courage, self-reliance, integrity and alliance to God and country. Current events are cherry picked to propagandize their agenda whereas the good are maligned and with observable bias the evil are promoted. The goal is to mold the youth into mumbling hapless victims. The ultimate fantasy of the new world order, ruling class elites is the creation of a population of spineless hermaphroditical creatures that lack the ability to change a tire, balance a checkbook or worse yet even possess the slightest inclination of self-improvement and pursuing happiness, because a passive citizenry that requires the downloading of an APP in order to prepare a government supplied meal of Red Bull and Hot Pockets scoffs at liberty, avoids challenge, is indifferent and very, very easy to control.

 Yo soy deplorable.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Enemy not done after all

Recently, I stated that the foe was vanquished. Geez, was I wrong! The Marxist Hillary supporters are out in full force. It is reminiscent of the Japanese warrior isolated on a Pacific island who did not get the memo that the emperor surrendered.
MSLSD’s Rachel MadCow over reported the number of protesters at the Army-Navy Game. The aggrieved protesters were actually a prepaid rent-a-mob. Erstwhile, our new Patriot president received a standing ovation from football fans and no one took a knee during the national anthem.
And then there is Mr. Blanchfield of Albuquerque. “It is my firm belief that we elected a fascist as our next president,” he said. Having read the Blanchfield interview by Jeff Tucker and then watched his cousin, Carlson’s interview on FOX, I am not sure what business service he is forbidding real Americans to participate in. (“My dear Miss Uhura, Vulcan has no liberals.”)
On campus the (Howard) Zinnsitas of the political science department are demanding overtime as they are working close to 40 hours per week! (Well, maybe it is 32.)
They are working the elbow patches off their sportcoats in a tireless effort to publish a conclusion summary proving that the Electoral College is racist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, contributes to global warming and reduces crop yields in Kyrgyzstan. There is no time for constitutional law research. This is too important.
Similarly, the Pennsylvania Department of State has released the names and addresses of all 20 electors. Electors nationwide have reported intimidation and even death threats. The whining just proves how racist they truly are.
One percenter, (of the vote) Dr. Jillenstein’s obfuscation was profitable and allowed her a 16th minute. Incidentally the recount gave the Donald a basket full of extra deplorable votes. Sorry Jill, some days the Force just ain’t with you.
The latest fake news contrivance is PutinGate; whereas, a dastardly confederacy of conspirers in the likes of Sasquatch, Elvis, Colonel Mustard and the Rooskis are on the Grassy Knoll with the computer hacking away Hillary’s last chance of ascendance to the throne.
Meanwhile, backstage at The View, Joy Behar is frantic! She was up all night on Angie’s List searching for a brick mason who specializes in post-menopausal gynecology.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Self - Loathing Danes invite moslem hordes

Al Jazeera propaganda film starring Danish Dhimmis. 
The title of the video is intentionally misleading.
Patriotic Danes are fighting to save their nation.
Globalist elites seek to displace native Europeans and import a pampered, hostile, unskilled, uneducated underclass.  
The moslems are leaving the middle east due to global warming.

Merry Christmas!! Vladimir

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Fake Refugees + Fake News + High Profits = One World Govt.

The Saudis will not take-in their Syrian molsems brothers despite the fact that there are 1 million beds set aside for the hajj (That speaks volumes in and of itself!) The UN, Lutheran Services and Catholic Charities earn huge monetary awards through the processing of Trojan Horse terrorists.  The Ohio State Un. stabber and his family were brought to America by Catholic Charities. 

     Most of these Fakeugee/Rapeugees are young men who should be fighting for their country not running away to languish on the welfare hammock of the foolhardy and self-loathing west. The UNHCR (United Nations High Commission on Refugees) can shelter in place the non-combatants fleeing the fighting. Moreover, the Red Crescent of the uber-wealthy Gulf States has the means to do so as well.

       Motive: The New World Order elites seek to erase the lines of nation-states.      Terrorizing the civilized population with constant violent attacks aids in that end and the end is achieved through the use of savage fanatical moselms as the bought and paid for thugs of our betters. Meanwhile, the islamophallic pope aids and abets the enemy with Marxist rhetoric and apology while Christian (real) refugees are denied relief and persecuted to genocidal proportions.

      Merry Christmas, be happy, be generous, but most of all be very careful with whom you share.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Hillary's Defeat is a Victory Worth Gloating About!

We almost lost the country! This election was a referendum on whether America was to remain a Constitutional Republic or became a Euro-style socialist state led by a corrupt tyrannical kleptomaniac. It was not an election as usual. It was a situation close to civil war.
Abraham Lincoln warned, America will never be defeated by a foreign power if her death is to come it will from within by the forces of treasonous self-serving citizens.
A democracy ends when the people vote themselves the treasury, when We the People is transformed

into “What’s in it for me?” Hillary would have eviscerated the Constitution. The self-reliant would be punished and the dependent by government design victim class exalted.
This was not a sporting event is was a matter of the death of the nation or the continuation of the greatest experiment of freedom on earth throughout history and likely due to divine providence has was often cited by the founding fathers.
I am gloating, damn right, and then some. Moreover, I am celebrating and thanking God for victory and vanquishing a foe. I do not have and will not extend any good will or reconciliation toward the enemy. Consider it this way, if you fired a pistol at me and missed, what response would you expect, “Oh, it is OK, no harm done. Let’s have gluten-free latte together”?

Friday, December 16, 2016

Happy TRUMPSgiving Americans!

Thank God we won!
A Hillary Clinton presidency would have been a continuation of the destructive path trail blazed by Obama in his quest to seize and destroy liberty and freedom from our great nation.
It is clearly apparent that the agenda of Obama, Clinton and their adoring statists (Statist: 1. A person who favors government control of all aspects of life. 2. Freedomophobe 3. Loser, welfare bum) followers is to morph America into a Second World European Socialist model whereas Freedom of Expression and the Right to Bear Arms are forbidden or seriously curtailed. Based on the track record for the last seven and a half years of a compliant and self- abdicating GOP led Congress, I have little confidence in the mechanism of Checks and Balances to stop this evil plot. To illustrate Hillary’s globalist intentions we need only to look at her performances in the UN.
Incremental Sharia: Hillary endorses UN Resolution 16/18. The resolution is a product of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The OIC is a monolithic voting block comprised of 57 moslem states and the Palestinian Authority. Their collective effort is to enforce blasphemy laws extraterritoriality into western countries. With Islam there is no free speech. The problem with blasphemy and offense regulation is that the state or degree of offense is in the eyes of the oft offended, the imam, the ACLU, or CAIR attorney. CAIR has highly skilled professionally aggrieved moslems on staff.
Following the bloody Charlie Hebdo murders by the welfare dependent Islamofascists in France, the OIC doubled down and asserted its intent all the more to criminalize the very type of speech used by the satirical magazine. Bottom line: A cartoon of the holy prophet gets you stoned, sued, fined and or arrested, but an elephant poop rendering of the Virgin Mary gets you funded.
Hillary’s loyalties are not to the Constitution that she as a United States Senator and Secretary of State was sworn and duty bound to preserve, protect and defend, but to her Mohammedist mega-donors.
You cannot have the First without the Second. Unless the citizen has the means to resist oppression our Constitution in its entirely is just a meaningless parchment.
In January 2010, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged to push for Senate ratification of the UN Arms Trade Treaty Resolution. This treaty is the greatest international threat to the law abiding armed citizen. The treaty would require a national gun registry for owners of imported firearms. History has proven that the first step to confiscation is gun registration. Moreover, this list must be available to the UN and international law enforcement agencies. Therefore, the purchase of an Austrian Glock, a Czech Republic CZ or a Croatian made Springfield Armory pistol gets you on the list of “usual suspects” with Interpol.
Fortunately, America’s first civil rights organization the National Rife Association mobilized and convinced enough of the usually feckless senators to rally at the flag pole and block ratification of the treaty.
Now, more than ever it is a time for preparation by every American Patriot. While soon to be former Justice Dept. Secretary, Janet Lynch has hamstrung the police from performing their duties, Obama continues a policy of appeasement that emboldens our enemies. Since 9/11 there have been 30,000 acts of violence perpetrated by Islamofascist terrorists at home and abroad. Additionally there are newly emerging threats from domestic terrorist groups in the likes of Black Lives Matter, the New (and improved, gulten-free) Black Panthers as well as La Raza agitators who were on the Bernie Sanders’ payroll.
Firearms are the tools of freedom. Research and educate yourself to determine which gun is best for your situation and which candidate is not going to deny you of your God given right of self-defense. President Trump carries!