Sunday, December 18, 2016

Fake Refugees + Fake News + High Profits = One World Govt.

The Saudis will not take-in their Syrian molsems brothers despite the fact that there are 1 million beds set aside for the hajj (That speaks volumes in and of itself!) The UN, Lutheran Services and Catholic Charities earn huge monetary awards through the processing of Trojan Horse terrorists.  The Ohio State Un. stabber and his family were brought to America by Catholic Charities. 

     Most of these Fakeugee/Rapeugees are young men who should be fighting for their country not running away to languish on the welfare hammock of the foolhardy and self-loathing west. The UNHCR (United Nations High Commission on Refugees) can shelter in place the non-combatants fleeing the fighting. Moreover, the Red Crescent of the uber-wealthy Gulf States has the means to do so as well.

       Motive: The New World Order elites seek to erase the lines of nation-states.      Terrorizing the civilized population with constant violent attacks aids in that end and the end is achieved through the use of savage fanatical moselms as the bought and paid for thugs of our betters. Meanwhile, the islamophallic pope aids and abets the enemy with Marxist rhetoric and apology while Christian (real) refugees are denied relief and persecuted to genocidal proportions.

      Merry Christmas, be happy, be generous, but most of all be very careful with whom you share.


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