Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Enemy not done after all

Recently, I stated that the foe was vanquished. Geez, was I wrong! The Marxist Hillary supporters are out in full force. It is reminiscent of the Japanese warrior isolated on a Pacific island who did not get the memo that the emperor surrendered.
MSLSD’s Rachel MadCow over reported the number of protesters at the Army-Navy Game. The aggrieved protesters were actually a prepaid rent-a-mob. Erstwhile, our new Patriot president received a standing ovation from football fans and no one took a knee during the national anthem.
And then there is Mr. Blanchfield of Albuquerque. “It is my firm belief that we elected a fascist as our next president,” he said. Having read the Blanchfield interview by Jeff Tucker and then watched his cousin, Carlson’s interview on FOX, I am not sure what business service he is forbidding real Americans to participate in. (“My dear Miss Uhura, Vulcan has no liberals.”)
On campus the (Howard) Zinnsitas of the political science department are demanding overtime as they are working close to 40 hours per week! (Well, maybe it is 32.)
They are working the elbow patches off their sportcoats in a tireless effort to publish a conclusion summary proving that the Electoral College is racist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, contributes to global warming and reduces crop yields in Kyrgyzstan. There is no time for constitutional law research. This is too important.
Similarly, the Pennsylvania Department of State has released the names and addresses of all 20 electors. Electors nationwide have reported intimidation and even death threats. The whining just proves how racist they truly are.
One percenter, (of the vote) Dr. Jillenstein’s obfuscation was profitable and allowed her a 16th minute. Incidentally the recount gave the Donald a basket full of extra deplorable votes. Sorry Jill, some days the Force just ain’t with you.
The latest fake news contrivance is PutinGate; whereas, a dastardly confederacy of conspirers in the likes of Sasquatch, Elvis, Colonel Mustard and the Rooskis are on the Grassy Knoll with the computer hacking away Hillary’s last chance of ascendance to the throne.
Meanwhile, backstage at The View, Joy Behar is frantic! She was up all night on Angie’s List searching for a brick mason who specializes in post-menopausal gynecology.

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